Legitimate Transport Limited

All companies of The UKTransportation and storageLegitimate Transport Limited

Unlicensed carrier

Contacts of Legitimate Transport Limited: address, phone, fax, email, website, working hours

Address: Squire House 81-87 High Street CM12 9AS Billericay

Phone: +44-1271 9654754 +44-1271 9654754

Fax: +44-1271 9654754 +44-1271 9654754

Email: n\a



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Registration data Legitimate Transport Limited

Register date: 2008-08-29
Register number: 06684058
Capital: 658,000 GBP
Sales per year: Less 301,000 GBP
Employees: Less 10
Credit rating: Good
Main type of company: Foreign
Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Addition activities kind of Legitimate Transport Limited

23110202. Overcoats and topcoats: men's, youths' and boys'
35310302. Cranes, locomotive
35560109. Pasteurizing equipment, dairy machinery
37149902. Booster (jump-start) cables, automotive
50940202. Medallions
57199908. Wicker, rattan, or reed home furnishings
80110201. Ambulatory surgical center

Owner, director, manager of Legitimate Transport Limited

Director - Richard Thomas Orr Arnott. Address: 81-87 High Street, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9AS, England. DoB: January 1970, British

Secretary - Mark William Nokes. Address: Broadway, Rainham, Essex, RM13 9YW, England. DoB: n\a, British

Director - Yomtov Eliezer Jacobs. Address: Richmond Avenue, Prestwich, M25 0LW. DoB: October 1970, British

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Legitimate Transport Limited with the registration number 06684058 has been operating on the market for eight years. This particular Private Limited Company is located at Squire House, 81-87 High Street , Billericay and their postal code is CM12 9AS. The firm is registered with SIC code 53202 and has the NACE code: Unlicensed carrier. Legitimate Transport Ltd filed its account information up to Tuesday 31st March 2015. The business latest annual return information was submitted on Saturday 29th August 2015. Legitimate Transport Ltd has been operating in this field of business for the last 8 years.

Richard Thomas Orr Arnott is the following company's solitary director, who was employed on 2008-09-08. Since August 2008 Yomtov Eliezer Jacobs, age 46 had been performing the duties for this specific business until the resignation eight years ago.

Legitimate Transport Limited is a foreign company, located in Billericay, The United Kingdom. It is a limited by shares, British proprietary company. Since 1989, the company is headquartered in Squire House 81-87 High Street CM12 9AS Billericay. Legitimate Transport Limited was registered on 2008-08-29. We brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Main Registry of The UK. Less 10 work in the company. Capital - 658,000 GBP, sales per year - less 301,000 GBP. Legitimate Transport Limited is Private Limited Company.
The main activity of Legitimate Transport Limited is Transportation and storage, including 7 other directions. Director of Legitimate Transport Limited is Richard Thomas Orr Arnott, which was registered at 81-87 High Street, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9AS, England. Products made in Legitimate Transport Limited were not found. This corporation was registered on 2008-08-29 and was issued with the Register number 06684058 in Billericay, The UK; now status company is n\a.
Its contact method and company information is as below. In total the company used 0 trading names. You can also view reviews of Legitimate Transport Limited, open vacancies, location of Legitimate Transport Limited on the map. For more information, visit the site or send request to contacts. The above data comes from the global database of United Kingdom which was updated on February 1st, 2025

Detailed data about Legitimate Transport Limited from yellow pages of The United Kingdom. Find address Legitimate Transport Limited, phone, email, website credits, responds, Legitimate Transport Limited job and vacancies, contacts finance sectors Legitimate Transport Limited