Id Scan Biometrics Limited

All companies of The UKInformation and communicationId Scan Biometrics Limited

Business and domestic software development

Contacts of Id Scan Biometrics Limited: address, phone, fax, email, website, working hours

Address: The Foundation Herons Way Chester Business Park CH4 9GB Chester

Phone: +44-1205 2721557 +44-1205 2721557

Fax: +44-28 3048950 +44-28 3048950

Email: n\a



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Registration data Id Scan Biometrics Limited

Register date: 2003-05-29
Register number: 04779960
Capital: 469,000 GBP
Sales per year: More 138,000 GBP
Employees: Less 10
Credit rating: Low
Main type of company: Domestic
Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Addition activities kind of Id Scan Biometrics Limited

384502. Electrotherapeutic apparatus
873403. Pollution testing
07220306. Tobacco, machine harvesting services
20110102. Corned beef, from meat slaughtered on site
32629902. China cookware
73899915. Engraving service

Owner, director, manager of Id Scan Biometrics Limited

Secretary - John Constantin. Address: 13 Lanark Square, Crossharbour, London, E14 9QD. DoB:

Director - David John Wilson. Address: 13 Lanark Square, Crossharbour, London, E14 9QD. DoB: March 1962, British

Director - Richard Anthony Law. Address: 13 Lanark Square, Crossharbour, London, E14 9QD. DoB: March 1960, British

Director - Dr. Margaret Hartnett. Address: Lanark Square, London, E14 9QD, England. DoB: August 1967, Ireland

Director - Dr Zaher Zeidan. Address: 13 Lanark Square, London, E14 9QD, United Kingdom. DoB: March 1983, British

Secretary - Jolanta Gerdziunaite. Address: 13 Lanark Square, Crossharbour, London, E14 9QD, United Kingdom. DoB: n\a, Lithuanian

Director - Tamlyn Thompson. Address: 13 Lanark Square, Crossharbour, London, E14 9QD, United Kingdom. DoB: April 1968, British

Corporate-nominee-secretary - M W Douglas & Company Limited. Address: Regent House, 316 Beulah Hill, London, SE19 3HP. DoB:

Jobs in Id Scan Biometrics Limited, vacancies. Career and training on Id Scan Biometrics Limited, practic

Now Id Scan Biometrics Limited have no open offers. Look for open vacancies in other companies

  • MSc Course Administrator 0.8 FTE (City Of London)

    Region: City Of London

    Company: Queen Mary University of London

    Department: Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine - Centre for Psychiatry

    Salary: £26,717 to £32,956 pro rata, per annum incl. London allowance (grade 3).

    Hours: Part Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Professional or Managerial

    Categories: Administrative

  • Evening/Weekend Library Assistant: Medicine (London)

    Region: London

    Company: Imperial College London

    Department: Library Services

    Salary: £2,719 to £3,000 p.a. pro rata

    Hours: Part Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Clerical

    Categories: Library Services and Information Management

  • Research Assistant/Associate: Neurobiology/Biophysics (Cambridge)

    Region: Cambridge

    Company: University of Cambridge

    Department: Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience

    Salary: £25,298 to £38,183 per annum

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Health and Medical,Medicine and Dentistry,Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology,Biological Sciences,Molecular Biology and Biophysics

  • Research Assistant (Norwich)

    Region: Norwich

    Company: John Innes Centre, Norwich

    Department: N\A

    Salary: £24,300 to £29,750 per annum depending on qualifications and experience

    Hours: Part Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Agriculture, Food and Veterinary,Agriculture,Biological Sciences,Biology,Botany,Genetics,Molecular Biology and Biophysics,Mathematics and Statistics,Statistics

  • Associate Lecturer - Architectural Technology (Northampton)

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    Company: University of Northampton

    Department: N\A

    Salary: £34.33 to £42.18 per hour

    Hours: Part Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Architecture, Building and Planning,Architecture and Building

  • Marketing Coordinator (Northampton)

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    Company: University of Northampton

    Department: N\A

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    Hours: Full Time

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    Type / Role: Clerical

    Categories: PR, Marketing, Sales and Communication

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04779960 is a company registration number of Id Scan Biometrics Limited. The company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2003-05-29. The company has existed on the market for thirteen years. The firm is contacted at The Foundation Herons Way Chester Business Park in Chester. The post code assigned to this address is CH4 9GB. The company has a history in registered name changing. Previously this company had two different names. Before 2008 this company was run under the name of News @ 10 and before that the official company name was Travelsource. The firm is classified under the NACe and SiC code 62012 meaning Business and domestic software development. 2015/07/31 is the last time when the company accounts were filed. Ever since the company began in this line of business 13 years ago, this company has sustained its impressive level of success.

Having 11 recruitment advertisements since 2014/12/05, Id Scan Biometrics has been among the most active firms on the employment market. Most recently, it was looking for candidates in London, Canary Wharf and East London. They search for workers for such posts as for example: Senior Software Programmer , Assistant to Legal Director and IT Project Manager. Out of the available positions, the best paid offer is Technical Account Manager in London with £40000 per year. More specific information concerning recruitment and the career opportunity is provided in particular announcements.

1 transaction have been registered in 0201 with a sum total of £16,328. Cooperation with the London Borough of Hounslow council covered the following areas: Communications & Computing.

The following business owes its achievements and constant development to exactly two directors, who are David John Wilson and Richard Anthony Law, who have been presiding over the company since July 2016. Moreover, the managing director's assignments are continually aided by a secretary - John Constantin, from who found employment in the business on 2016-07-01.

Id Scan Biometrics Limited is a domestic company, located in Chester, The United Kingdom. It is a limited by shares, British proprietary company. Since 2018, the company is headquartered in The Foundation Herons Way Chester Business Park CH4 9GB Chester. Id Scan Biometrics Limited was registered on 2003-05-29. We brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Main Registry of The UK. Less 10 work in the company. Capital - 469,000 GBP, sales per year - more 138,000 GBP. Id Scan Biometrics Limited is Private Limited Company.
The main activity of Id Scan Biometrics Limited is Information and communication, including 6 other directions. Secretary of Id Scan Biometrics Limited is John Constantin, which was registered at 13 Lanark Square, Crossharbour, London, E14 9QD. Products made in Id Scan Biometrics Limited were not found. This corporation was registered on 2003-05-29 and was issued with the Register number 04779960 in Chester, The UK; now status company is n\a.
Its contact method and company information is as below. In total the company used 0 trading names. You can also view reviews of Id Scan Biometrics Limited, open vacancies, location of Id Scan Biometrics Limited on the map. For more information, visit the site or send request to contacts. The above data comes from the global database of United Kingdom which was updated on February 1st, 2025

Detailed data about Id Scan Biometrics Limited from yellow pages of The United Kingdom. Find address Id Scan Biometrics Limited, phone, email, website credits, responds, Id Scan Biometrics Limited job and vacancies, contacts finance sectors Id Scan Biometrics Limited