Heena Foods Limited

Take-away food shops and mobile food stands

Contacts of Heena Foods Limited: address, phone, fax, email, website, working hours

Address: 375 High Street GL50 3HT Cheltenham

Phone: +44-1375 4724365 +44-1375 4724365

Fax: +44-1270 2232391 +44-1270 2232391

Email: n\a



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Registration data Heena Foods Limited

Register date: 2011-09-02
Register number: 07760335
Capital: 252,000 GBP
Sales per year: Approximately 531,000 GBP
Employees: Less 10
Credit rating: N\A
Main type of company: Domestic stock
Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Addition activities kind of Heena Foods Limited

267303. Plastic and pliofilm bags
527199. Mobile home dealers, nec
09199905. Seal hunting
15420301. Garage construction
83999907. Regional planning organization
87310202. Commercial research laboratory

Owner, director, manager of Heena Foods Limited

Information about management of Heena Foods Limited no available.

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    Hours: Part Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

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  • College Research Fellowship/Lectureship in Modern British History (1750 to the present) (Cambridge)

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Heena Foods Limited with Companies House Reg No. 07760335 has been on the market for 5 years. The Private Limited Company can be found at 375 High Street, , Cheltenham and their zip code is GL50 3HT. This company SIC code is 56103 - Take-away food shops and mobile food stands. The individual in charge of the company as the manager is R Sachdeva. 2012-09-30 is the last time when account status updates were filed.

Heena Foods Limited is a domestic stock company, located in Cheltenham, The United Kingdom. It is a limited by shares, British proprietary company. Since 1986, the company is headquartered in 375 High Street GL50 3HT Cheltenham. Heena Foods Limited was registered on 2011-09-02. We brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Main Registry of The UK. Less 10 work in the company. Capital - 252,000 GBP, sales per year - approximately 531,000 GBP. Heena Foods Limited is Private Limited Company.
The main activity of Heena Foods Limited is Accommodation and food service activities, including 6 other directions. Information about owner, director or manager of Heena Foods Limited is not available. Products made in Heena Foods Limited were not found. This corporation was registered on 2011-09-02 and was issued with the Register number 07760335 in Cheltenham, The UK; now status company is n\a.
Its contact method and company information is as below. In total the company used 0 trading names. You can also view reviews of Heena Foods Limited, open vacancies, location of Heena Foods Limited on the map. For more information, visit the site or send request to contacts. The above data comes from the global database of United Kingdom which was updated on February 1st, 2025

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