Richmond Street Limited

Dormant Company

Contacts of Richmond Street Limited: address, phone, fax, email, website, working hours

Address: 131 Loder Road BN1 6PN Brighton

Phone: +44-1442 4441741 +44-1442 4441741

Fax: +44-1442 4441741 +44-1442 4441741

Email: n\a



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Registration data Richmond Street Limited

Register date: 2013-10-11
Register number: 08728857
Capital: 701,000 GBP
Sales per year: Approximately 408,000 GBP
Employees: Less 10
Credit rating: Perfect
Main type of company: Domestic
Type of company: Private Limited Company

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Addition activities kind of Richmond Street Limited

284302. Finishing agents
17999926. Post disaster renovations
25190300. Fiberglass and plastic furniture
32690303. Firing and decorating china
34420301. Screen doors, metal
35329901. Stamping mill machinery (mining machinery)
49599902. Mosquito eradication
64110304. Real estate insurance agents

Owner, director, manager of Richmond Street Limited

Director - Matthew Sanderson. Address: Richmond Street, Brighton, BN2 9PE, England. DoB: August 1973, British

Director - Damon Taylor. Address: Loder Road, Brighton, BN1 6PN, England. DoB: July 1971, British

Director - Jack Upton. Address: Richmond Street, Brighton, BN2 9PE, United Kingdom. DoB: December 1981, British

Jobs in Richmond Street Limited, vacancies. Career and training on Richmond Street Limited, practic

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The date the company was established is 2013-10-11. Established under 08728857, this company is listed as a PLC. You may visit the office of this firm during its opening times under the following address: 131 Loder Road , BN1 6PN Brighton. The firm declared SIC number is 99999 which means Dormant Company. The company's most recent filed account data documents were filed up to 2015-10-31 and the most recent annual return information was filed on 2015-10-11.

Matthew Sanderson, Damon Taylor and Jack Upton are listed as enterprise's directors and have been cooperating as the Management Board for three years.

Richmond Street Limited is a domestic company, located in Brighton, The United Kingdom. It is a limited by shares, British proprietary company. Since 2018, the company is headquartered in 131 Loder Road BN1 6PN Brighton. Richmond Street Limited was registered on 2013-10-11. We brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Main Registry of The UK. Less 10 work in the company. Capital - 701,000 GBP, sales per year - approximately 408,000 GBP. Richmond Street Limited is Private Limited Company.
The main activity of Richmond Street Limited is Activities of extraterritorial organisations and other, including 8 other directions. Director of Richmond Street Limited is Matthew Sanderson, which was registered at Richmond Street, Brighton, BN2 9PE, England. Products made in Richmond Street Limited were not found. This corporation was registered on 2013-10-11 and was issued with the Register number 08728857 in Brighton, The UK; now status company is n\a.
Its contact method and company information is as below. In total the company used 0 trading names. You can also view reviews of Richmond Street Limited, open vacancies, location of Richmond Street Limited on the map. For more information, visit the site or send request to contacts. The above data comes from the global database of United Kingdom which was updated on February 1st, 2025

Detailed data about Richmond Street Limited from yellow pages of The United Kingdom. Find address Richmond Street Limited, phone, email, website credits, responds, Richmond Street Limited job and vacancies, contacts finance sectors Richmond Street Limited