Norman A Steven Ltd

specialised design activities

Contacts of Norman A Steven Ltd: address, phone, fax, email, website, working hours

Address: The Firs 16a Waverly Road KT11 2SS Cobham

Phone: +44-1322 4456573 +44-1322 4456573

Fax: +44-1322 4456573 +44-1322 4456573

Email: n\a



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Norman A Steven Ltd detailed report: finance, accounts, vacancies. Get credit history, taxes and fees, banks accounts, tenders Norman A Steven Ltd.

Registration data Norman A Steven Ltd

Register date: 2011-03-14
Register number: 07563343
Capital: 822,000 GBP
Sales per year: More 470,000,000 GBP
Employees: Less 10
Credit rating: Good
Main type of company: Domestic nonprofit
Type of company: Private Limited Company

Get full report from global database of The UK for Norman A Steven Ltd

Addition activities kind of Norman A Steven Ltd

1794. Excavation work
326904. Pottery household articles, except kitchen articles
14990103. Garnet mining
22119922. Stretch fabrics, cotton
35429902. Bulldozers (metalworking machinery)
37110300. Military motor vehicle assembly
50910301. Fishing tackle
76990503. Industrial equipment cleaning

Owner, director, manager of Norman A Steven Ltd

Secretary - Maria Steven. Address: 16a Waverly Road, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 2SS, England. DoB:

Director - Norman Steven. Address: 16a Waverly Road, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 2SS, England. DoB: November 1969, British

Jobs in Norman A Steven Ltd, vacancies. Career and training on Norman A Steven Ltd, practic

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Norman A Steven Ltd could be gotten hold of The Firs, 16a Waverly Road in Cobham. The company's postal code is KT11 2SS. Norman A Steven has been operating on the British market for the last 5 years. The company's reg. no. is 07563343. This company is classified under the NACe and SiC code 74100 : specialised design activities. Norman A Steven Limited reported its latest accounts up until 31st March 2015. The business most recent annual return information was submitted on 14th March 2016. This company reached a significant degree of success right around when it started in this particular field five years ago.

According to the official data, this specific limited company has 1 managing director: Norman Steven, who was appointed 5 years ago. Furthermore, the managing director's efforts are regularly bolstered by a secretary - Maria Steven, from who was chosen by this limited company on Mon, 14th Mar 2011.

Norman A Steven Ltd is a domestic nonprofit company, located in Cobham, The United Kingdom. It is a limited by shares, British proprietary company. Since 2016, the company is headquartered in The Firs 16a Waverly Road KT11 2SS Cobham. Norman A Steven Ltd was registered on 2011-03-14. We brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Main Registry of The UK. Less 10 work in the company. Capital - 822,000 GBP, sales per year - more 470,000,000 GBP. Norman A Steven Ltd is Private Limited Company.
The main activity of Norman A Steven Ltd is Professional, scientific and technical activities, including 8 other directions. Secretary of Norman A Steven Ltd is Maria Steven, which was registered at 16a Waverly Road, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 2SS, England. Products made in Norman A Steven Ltd were not found. This corporation was registered on 2011-03-14 and was issued with the Register number 07563343 in Cobham, The UK; now status company is n\a.
Its contact method and company information is as below. In total the company used 0 trading names. You can also view reviews of Norman A Steven Ltd, open vacancies, location of Norman A Steven Ltd on the map. For more information, visit the site or send request to contacts. The above data comes from the global database of United Kingdom which was updated on February 1st, 2025

Detailed data about Norman A Steven Ltd from yellow pages of The United Kingdom. Find address Norman A Steven Ltd, phone, email, website credits, responds, Norman A Steven Ltd job and vacancies, contacts finance sectors Norman A Steven Ltd