Haverhill Investments Limited
Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate
Contacts of Haverhill Investments Limited: address, phone, fax, email, website, working hours
Address: The Annexe Short Brackland IP33 1EL Bury St. Edmunds
Phone: +44-1437 7722259 +44-1437 7722259
Fax: +44-1437 7722259 +44-1437 7722259
Email: n\a
Website: n\a
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Registration data Haverhill Investments Limited
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Addition activities kind of Haverhill Investments Limited
5153. Grain and field beans
5621. Women's clothing stores
478902. Passenger train services
20330408. Vegetable pastes: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
28510104. Paint driers
35310509. Rollers, sheepsfoot and vibratory
35410602. Sawing and cutoff machines (metalworking machinery)
50469907. Scales, except laboratory
57340205. Word processing equipment and supplies
Owner, director, manager of Haverhill Investments Limited
Secretary - Philippa Robertshaw. Address: Altamont Crescent, West Vancouver, Bc, V7V 3C1, Canada. DoB:
Secretary - Andrew Trigg. Address: Avenue Court, Avenue Road, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7DD, United Kingdom. DoB:
Director - John Douglas Robertshaw. Address: Altamont Crescent, West Vancouver, Bc, V7V 3C1, Canada. DoB: July 1964, Canadian
Jobs in Haverhill Investments Limited, vacancies. Career and training on Haverhill Investments Limited, practic
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Assistant Lecturer in Children & Young People's Health (Birmingham)
Region: Birmingham
Company: Birmingham City University
Department: School of Nursing and Midwifery
Salary: £29,345 to £31,897 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Health and Medical,Nursing
Admissions and Course Administrator (Essex)
Region: Essex
Company: N\A
Department: N\A
Salary: £18,000 to £20,000 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Clerical
Categories: Administrative,PR, Marketing, Sales and Communication
Research Associate in Intelligent Transport Systems (Sydney - Australia)
Region: Sydney - Australia
Company: The University of Sydney
Department: Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR)
Salary: AU$106,000
£65,306.60 converted salary* per annum, includes leave loading and superannuationHours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Mathematics and Statistics,Mathematics,Computer Science,Computer Science,Software Engineering,Information Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Engineering and Technology,Mechanical Engineering,Aerospace Engineering,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Other Engineering
Lecturer in Culinary Arts (Kastanienbaum - Switzerland)
Region: Kastanienbaum - Switzerland
Company: IMI International Management Institute
Department: N\A
Salary: Not specified
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Business and Management Studies,Hospitality and Leisure
Finance Manager (Academic) (Salford)
Region: Salford
Company: University of Salford
Department: Finance
Salary: £39,324 to £46,924 Grade: 8
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Professional or Managerial
Categories: Finance
Teaching Fellow in Combined Honours - B85895A (Newcastle Upon Tyne)
Region: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Company: Newcastle University
Department: Combined Honours
Salary: £29,301 to £38,183 pro rata
Hours: Part Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Physical and Environmental Sciences,Geography,Social Sciences and Social Care,Sociology,Politics and Government
Research Funding Officer (London)
Region: London
Company: The British Academy
Department: N\A
Salary: £30,000 per annum, plus excellent benefits
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Professional or Managerial
Categories: Administrative,Fundraising and Alumni
CYP-IAPT Clinical Tutor (London)
Region: London
Company: King's College London
Department: Psychology
Salary: £40,522 to £48,327 per annum (pro rata), plus £2,923 per annum London Allowance (pro rata)
Hours: Part Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Psychology
Postdoctoral Training Fellow (London)
Region: London
Company: The Francis Crick Institute
Department: N\A
Salary: Competitive with benefits, subject to skills and experience
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Health and Medical,Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology,Biological Sciences,Biology,Genetics,Microbiology,Biochemistry
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher in Physics-Based Machine Learning in Thermoacoustics (Cambridge)
Region: Cambridge
Company: University of Cambridge
Department: Department of Engineering
Salary: N\A
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: N\A
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Physical and Environmental Sciences,Physics and Astronomy,Mathematics and Statistics,Mathematics,Computer Science,Artificial Intelligence,Engineering and Technology,Mechanical Engineering
Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher (London)
Region: London
Company: King's College London
Department: N\A
Salary: N\A
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: N\A
Type / Role: PhD
Categories: Biological Sciences,Biology,Mathematics and Statistics,Mathematics,Statistics
Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation (London)
Region: London
Company: Imperial College London
Department: Imperial College Business School
Salary: Competitive Salary
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Business and Management Studies,Management,Business Studies,Other Business and Management Studies
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Haverhill Investments Limited can be gotten hold of The Annexe, Short Brackland in Bury St. Edmunds. The company's post code is IP33 1EL. Haverhill Investments has existed in this business for the last six years. The company's Companies House Reg No. is 07318068. The company is registered with SIC code 68209 meaning Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. 31st July 2016 is the last time when the accounts were filed. It has been 6 years since Haverhill Investments Ltd has debuted in this line of business is located at and it is apparent they are unstoppable.
Concerning this specific limited company, the full scope of director's duties have so far been done by John Douglas Robertshaw who was assigned this position in 2010. Moreover, the director's efforts are regularly aided by a secretary - Philippa Robertshaw, from who joined this specific limited company in July 2010.
Haverhill Investments Limited is a domestic nonprofit company, located in Bury St. Edmunds, The United Kingdom. It is a limited by shares, British proprietary company. Since 2004, the company is headquartered in The Annexe Short Brackland IP33 1EL Bury St. Edmunds. Haverhill Investments Limited was registered on 2010-07-19. We brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Main Registry of The UK. Less 10 work in the company. Capital - 570,000 GBP, sales per year - less 355,000,000 GBP. Haverhill Investments Limited is Private Limited Company.
The main activity of Haverhill Investments Limited is Real estate activities, including 9 other directions. Secretary of Haverhill Investments Limited is Philippa Robertshaw, which was registered at Altamont Crescent, West Vancouver, Bc, V7V 3C1, Canada. Products made in Haverhill Investments Limited were not found. This corporation was registered on 2010-07-19 and was issued with the Register number 07318068 in Bury St. Edmunds, The UK; now status company is n\a.
Its contact method and company information is as below. In total the company used 0 trading names. You can also view reviews of Haverhill Investments Limited, open vacancies, location of Haverhill Investments Limited on the map. For more information, visit the site or send request to contacts. The above data comes from the global database of United Kingdom which was updated on January 1st, 2025